Friday, October 2, 2009

3-P's dinner

Hope you're doing well wherever you are. It has been a pretty full week for Brady and myself, and today has been full of great news (will share that later on). Ended up having sort of an impromptu dinner with some of my besties Mr.Mcgee and J-Dem. Not having really planned for dinner I sort of had to work with what I had and I think it ended up being a yummylicious affair.

I call it 3-P's because it was 3 courses and each was a P course. Purple Potato Soup, Pulled Pork-Caribbean style over garlic home potatoes, Purple cabbage and broccoli slaw and Pomegranate cake. Oh and I sort of made most of these up on the fly. I ended up making the pomegranate cake because originally I was going to do martinis with the poms but then realized I did not have enough so I decided on a cake with a vodka reduction to go over it. So basically the same ingredients in a completely different execution.

Here goes:

Purple Potato Soup
• Purple potatoes (about 2 med size potatoes per person)
• 2-cups Chicken stock (I made mine fresh but you can use one from a can if you wish, or you can use vegetable stock if you want to go vegan)
• 1/4 tsp chopped thyme
• Salt & pepper
• 1/8 cut soy milk
Clean then cut your potatoes into 4ths and place in a pot skin on, cover the potatoes with water and bring to a boil. Once they start to soften remove the potaoes from the water (do not discard the water) and remove the skins. Place the potaoes back in the water, add the stock, thyme, salt & pepper. Let that simmer on low for about 10 minutes until the potatoes start to fall apart. With a wisk go in and start whisking the potatoes until the discolve in the liquid then turn the heat off and let the soup cool. Whip the soy milk until it foams. Serve the soup in small bowls or like I did in martini glasses and add a small amount of the soy foam.

Pulled Caribbean Pork
• Pork roast or pork loin - roast is better
• Salt, Pepper, garlic powder
• 3tbsp Boston Jerk sauce (because it will be easier than finding all the ingredients)
Rub your roast (tee hee hee) with the salt, pepper and garlic powder so it is nice and covered. Then coat it with the 3 tbsp of the sauce. Place in a pot and add water 1/2 way up the roast. Cover and let it cook on medium heat for about 45min, just like you would a roast. Flip it every now and then to make sure all sides get equal heat. Then bring down to med-low for another 30-45 min until the meat can come off with a fork and you're done.

Potatoes - home style
• New or Yellow potatoes (1 large one per person)
• 1/2 tbsp dry rosemary
• 1 tbsp butter
• 2tbsp olive oil
• 1/2 cup sliced brown mushrooms
• 3 - 4 chopped garlic cloves
Clean potatoes and cut into 4ths. Boil until tender. While the potatoes are boiling, in a sauce pan bring the olive oil to a low heat, melt butter into the oil, add the garlic, rosemary and the mushrooms. Cook at medium heat till mushrooms are soft. Add your cooked potatoes to the pan and mix while smushing a little with a wooden spoon. Add salt & pepper to taste.

Pomegranate Cake and Vodka reduction
(Final recipe to come..... later today)

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