Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Italian... lighter in calories but full-on YUMMMM!

Howdy.... been a while since I was inspired to create something really blog worthy.  The other day the inspiration finally came.   I wanted to make some meatballs but I wanted to go a bit lighter and still retain flavour and richness, so I decided to go with ground turkey as the main protein.  Don't get discouraged, these are great!!!

The final Product.  Turkey meatballs over spiral whole wheat pasta!

Decided I'd serve these yummylicious balls with some spiral whole wheat pasta and a delicious buffalo mozzarella salad.   So here's the scoop on the balls:

• 1lb ground turkey meat               
• 1lb turkey Italian sausage
• 1 big round loaf of all-grain bread
• 1 - 1/5 cups of soy milk
• 1tsp salt
• 1tsp black pepper
• 1tsp chopped oregano
• 1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley

My yummy balls just rolled!  tee hee hee

Take your round loaf of bread and remove the crust.  place chunks of bread in food processor and grind to crumbs. Soak the crumbs in the soy milk (you can substitute with rice milk) and leave for a bit to soak.
Place the ground turkey in a large bowl, remove the sausage from the casing and add to the meat. Mix the salt, pepper, oregano and parsley and make sure to mix all of that well... add the soaked breadcrumb situation and mix that up.   Let this sit or about 10 minutes then start making your balls....
The sauce... DA BOMB!
Preheat your oven to 350° and place your balls on a baking pang (you can spray it with non-stick olive oil)
once your oven is hot place the balls in the oven to bake for about 25 - 30 minutes.  I recommend you leave 3-4 balls to cook with the sauce of your choice.
Sauce - I just did some Tomato Basil from a jar (not a can) and added some mushrooms, oregano, sauteed onions and garlic to give it some kick, placed it in a large sauce pot and added the 3-4 meatballs to cook in that sauce and give it some additional flavour, really made a difference. 

The Salad.  This recipe I HAD to do, came from Janet Ribera - cheese goddess from The Cheese Course
using the most delicious mozzarella ever.  REAL mozzarella comes from water buffalo milk, and right now no one is doing true buffalo mozzarella like Annabella Creamery

You can get the recipe here on their facebook page (Please LIKE their page):
Annabella Creamery Buffalo Mozzarella - YUMM

Buffalo Mozzarella, Tomato & Strawberry salad!!!

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